By purchasing our track or album, you agree to the following terms:

1. Personal Use Only: The purchase of our music grants you the right to listen to and enjoy the track or album for personal use only.

2. No Commercial Use: Purchasing our track or album does not grant you the right to use the music for commercial purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, using the music in advertisements, promotional materials, or any form of monetized content.

3. No Reproduction or Distribution: You may not reproduce, distribute, or otherwise share the track or album for any purpose other than personal use.

4. Licensing Inquiries: For any commercial use, licensing, or other inquiries related to our music, please contact us directly to discuss appropriate permissions and fees.

By completing your purchase, you acknowledge and agree to these terms. Unauthorized use of our music for commercial purposes may result in legal action.

Thank you for respecting the rights of our artists and creators.

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